Drum electroplating bath is designed for applying electroplating coatings on small parts in bulk in various solutions (electrolytes), excluding solutions with devastating impact on the polypropylene (chromic acid and solutions of its salts, nitric acid and others).
Drum bath allows you to process large volumes of parts in the lines with manual oparation.
Advantages of drum electroplating baths manufactured by Poliplast Ltd.:
Drum bath allows you to process large volumes of parts in the lines with manual oparation.
Advantages of drum electroplating baths manufactured by Poliplast Ltd.:
- Minimum solution removal
- High quality of the coating, due to the good mixing of the workpiece, thanks to our patented electroplating drum
- Quick download/upload of a large number of small parts, reducing the preparation time, due to the lack of need of placement the parts on the suspension
- Motorized drive of the lifting/lowering of the drum
- Side exhausts can be integrated into the existing ventilation system
- Compact design, because the lid of the bath combined with a tray for unloading
- Reliable fixation of anode rods, due to the design of the bath